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How to Start and Keep a Visual Journal
INTRODUCTION: A quick overview of the course
What you can expect (1:54)
What is a visual journal?
MODULE 1: Getting Started
Lesson 1: How Visual Journaling Works (3:12)
Lesson 2: Choosing a Journal (5:13)
Assignment #1: Take the “Which Journal is Right For You?" quiz
Assignment #2: Get a journal, a black pen, & a splash of color
Lesson 3: Setting Up Your Journal (1:53)
Assignment #3: Set up the navigation system for your journal
MODULE 2: Making Information Visual
Lesson 4: Organizing Information on a Page (5:30)
Assignment #4: Create a gratitude spread
Lesson 5: Text
Assignment #5: Design your personal body text style
Lesson 6: Basic Doodling (3:49)
Assignment #6: Doodle an idea
Lesson 7: Next-Level Stick Figures (3:38)
Lesson 8: Enhancing your doodles (7:41)
Assignment #7: Draw a stick figure and give it context
Lesson 9: Sketchnote Techniques
MODULE 3: How to Use Your Journal
Intro to Module 3
Lesson 10: Brain Dumps and Mindmapping (6:48)
Assignment #8: Minimizing heaviness and chaos
Lesson 11: Capturing Ideas and Conversations (4:11)
Assignment #9: Capturing insight from a conversation
Lesson 12: Using Your Journal as a Planner
Assignment #10: Create a spread for a month, a week, or just a single day - and use it
Lesson 13: Using Your Journal to Set a Vision for Your Future (6:35)
Assignment #11: Create a vision spread
Lesson 14: Project Planning and Habit Tracking (9:09)
Assignment #12: Make a plan
BONUS: Additional Resources
The Best is Yet to Come (3:17)
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Lesson 2: Choosing a Journal
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