Find out how visual journaling can help you reclaim your time, boost your personal creativity, easily achieve your goals, and successfully live a more intentional life.
Visual journaling is effective because it engages your brain to solve problems in fresh ways. It’s also fun! Imagine having a place where your mind can creatively play on paper. You don’t need to be an artist. This is a technique that can be easily taught and learned.
Best of all, this is all about you. There is no right way or wrong way to journal visually. The course helps you discover your way of visually journaling.
All you need is to follow the lessons with some pens and a notebook.
This course is for
People who need freedom in a world of demands.
Do you ever feel like you are running on a hamster wheel and can’t get off?
Do all the moving pieces in your life overwhelm you sometimes?
Does life often feel heavy?
Visual journaling can lighten the load by getting things out of your head so you can process them with greater clarity.
People who can't draw who want to sketchnote.
Have you seen people take visual notes with color and doodles?
This technique is called sketchnoting--a key component to visual journaling.
And you don’t need any artistic ability to do it.
The process is simple, and engages your heart as well as your mind .
People who want to reclaim what matters.
Our days can be filled with things we do for others, and it can be easy to lose sight of our own hopes and dreams.
A visual journaling practice reclaims time and energy for what truly brings us joy.
Whether it’s a core passion, lifelong dream, or small moments of happiness, a visual journaling practice makes sure those things aren’t lost.
Creating your visual journaling practice
Have you ever sat down to do something and suddenly found your mind off on a trail like a dog after a bunny?
Which might even be great if you could stay on that track, but instead: SQUIRREL!!!
Then you’re off in another direction.
You know that if you could just focus, you could get things done, but your brain will not SHUT UP.
What if there were a tool that could get the brain chatter to STOP, so you can get to the inner calm and quiet you need to enjoy your life.
The good news is that you have a secret magic tool to achieve peace: pen and paper.
You must be wondering…
Why would I need a course to tell me that?
Because when the magic of writing things down is combined with an array of color and simple doodles, your brain engages in a whole new way.
This isn’t a pretty to-do list.
This is a brilliant process that can transform your life. You’ll become remarkably more organized. Your creativity will surge. Your brain will quit pinging you, and you’ll find some peace.
Better yet, when you come back to review the pages of your visual journal later, clear themes will start to emerge. You’ll gain clarity on what you truly want.
A visual journal helps you iterate your life to get closer to what you want and further away from what you don’t want--making every day MUCH more intentional.
There is so much power to be found in learning to think on paper.
How does visual journaling work?
Visual journaling is an adaptable practice.
You start with a blank journal, give it a job, and design its pages to fit your strikingly unique life.
The pages are created with sketchnotes--a technique that blends elements of magazine layouts (like headings, subheadings, and callout boxes) with doodling. While journaling is powerful on its own, the addition of layouts and simple drawings adds a power-punch to its effectiveness.
And it doesn’t stop there…
As you use your journal for different tasks--like daily planning, capturing conversations, or envisioning the future--you will develop your own visual language. One that speaks directly to you. Your visual interface between where you are right now and where you want to be.
You’ll wind up with a smart, dependable tool that boosts your creativity, while keeping you organized and helping you craft the life you’ve always dreamed of.
How do I know if I can do it right?
The beautiful thing about visual journaling is that there is no wrong way to do it.
You already have a visual mental vocabulary of hand-drawn pictures. We teach you how to make them work for you in your journal. This is not about art. If you can write the letters M and Q, you have all the artistic talent you need.
This is about thinking on paper and no two journals are alike because no one thinks exactly like you.
Your journaling style will fit you--because you are the one creating it.
Better yet, you can adapt it over time as your needs change.
Hi, I’m your instructor: Cathy Hutchison
and my story doesn’t start with visual journaling. It starts with something you might be familiar with: feeling like you’re living your life running on a great, big, giant, hamster wheel…
This practice has revolutionized how personally effective I am--not only in my day job, but also in creating a life that satisfies my heart.
I have a demanding career and a family. My life has a lot of moving pieces and my visual journal is the primary tool for keeping me organized, inspired, and moving forward with intention.
What people are saying...
"As I flip through my journal from January until now I'm much more stimulated and inspired by all the pages using the technique you taught me through the online course. My older journal pages that are filled with only text are overwhelming and uninviting to review. The pages that use colours and doodles offer an instant snapshot of my thinking and work at the time. I have also found that I'm much more focused since starting this technique and can better prioritize my tasks and projects. Visual journaling is next level and I think I'll keep it up for life." - Carly M.
“I enjoy using visual journaling the most when setting goals. This allows me to interact with my goals on a daily basis. I can immediately see what I have done and what I need to do by a quick glance at my goal sheet. The way Cathy teaches makes me excited! I am so glad I learned about visual journaling and have incorporated it into my life.” - Andrea P.
“As a visual learner (and a doodler) the concept of journaling through drawing really speaks to me. Taking Cathy’s class gave me the confidence and the skills to put into daily practice a powerful toolset to capture and express ideas in a way that actually works for me!” - David K.
“Visual journaling has taken my messaging to another level. Through visual journaling, I have been able to capture the overall meaning of my notes in simple illustrations that later provides immediate recall of whole thoughts rather than just the words captured. Cathy is an expert teacher. She is able to demonstrate that anyone, even someone like me with limited art abilities, can visually journal with simple shapes and characters.” - Hattie P.
Course Curriculum
- Lesson 1: How Visual Journaling Works (3:12)
- Lesson 2: Choosing a Journal (5:13)
- Assignment #1: Take the “Which Journal is Right For You?" quiz
- Assignment #2: Get a journal, a black pen, & a splash of color
- Lesson 3: Setting Up Your Journal (1:53)
- Assignment #3: Set up the navigation system for your journal
- Lesson 4: Organizing Information on a Page (5:30)
- Assignment #4: Create a gratitude spread
- Lesson 5: Text
- Assignment #5: Design your personal body text style
- Lesson 6: Basic Doodling (3:49)
- Assignment #6: Doodle an idea
- Lesson 7: Next-Level Stick Figures (3:38)
- Lesson 8: Enhancing your doodles (7:41)
- Assignment #7: Draw a stick figure and give it context
- Lesson 9: Sketchnote Techniques
- Intro to Module 3
- Lesson 10: Brain Dumps and Mindmapping (6:48)
- Assignment #8: Minimizing heaviness and chaos
- Lesson 11: Capturing Ideas and Conversations (4:11)
- Assignment #9: Capturing insight from a conversation
- Lesson 12: Using Your Journal as a Planner
- Assignment #10: Create a spread for a month, a week, or just a single day - and use it
- Lesson 13: Using Your Journal to Set a Vision for Your Future (6:35)
- Assignment #11: Create a vision spread
- Lesson 14: Project Planning and Habit Tracking (9:09)
- Assignment #12: Make a plan
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
I want this decision to be 100% risk-free, so you can focus on learning and transforming your life. If you decide that the course doesn’t deliver or it’s not for you, just let me know within 30 days of the course launch and I’ll refund your full payment.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I access the course?
Immediately. Once you purchase the course, you will receive an email with a link to access. Then, you set the pace.
How will I know if I'm doing it right?
Your journal is you talking to you--so there's no wrong way to do it. The course is designed to give you a lot of different experiences using your journal so that you can develop your own style.
The process is designed to help you iterate over a short amount of time to develop a visual journaling practice that works for you.
What format is the course content in?
The course is a combination of written and video format. I’m a fan of speed. I’ve deliberately tailored the lessons to fully communicate the concepts, but in a stream-lined way.
Could I just figure this out for myself?
Sure. That’s how I did it. But the reason I put this course together is because so many people reach out to me for help. This course is designed to fast-track you from blank pages to a fully functional visual journal.
Is this course worth the cost?
I wasted so much money on things that promised to help me stop feeling overwhelmed. There are tons of people selling tons of things “guaranteed” to try to fix how crazy our lives can be. But all of them failed me, because it was always someone else’s system--what worked for them. Visual journaling is an adaptable skill you can shape to your beautifully unique life; you craft things in the way you think and the way your brain sees them. This course teaches you how to do that in a way that is simple and fun. And, if you decide within 30 days that it isn’t working, simply ask for a refund. This is risk-free.
So now you have two choices...
You can put off starting your visual journal and continue to battle with being overwhelmed, missing your goals, and feeling uncreative.
You can start your visual journal and feel the sense of satisfaction which comes from doing something that produces tangible results.
Think about where you will be in three months.
If you decide to tackle visual journaling on your own, do you have a proven plan to get there?
Because you can take this course to walk you through step-by-step, or you can start yet another journal, fill a few pages, and abandon it. Again.
What will you choose?